The Georgie Gust Exhibit

What if you had such severe schizophrenia that your life was just one hallucination after another? And what if people kept trying to drag you back out of those hallucinations, to prove that you weren’t living in reality, and that reality was nothing more than a psych hospital? Would you go? Would you make that leap back into reality, leave such a vivid life, for ceramic walls and metal gurneys?

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Friday Feb 27, 2015

Harnisch discusses his process of being an artist with mental illness. Since
the closing down of Porcelain Utopia in October 2013 Jonathan Harnisch has
decrypted as much code and text possible, which thousands of hackers had
corrupted breaking through the most sophisticated security software available.
The former self hosted WordPress website had wielded single-handedly by
Harnisch 25 million hits per day by its end, garnering 250,000,000 hits in its
2 year run and was written up in the press as the most viral WordPress blog
known as it narrated Harnisch’s journey through schizophrenia.

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015

Therapy Team Text

Sunday Feb 22, 2015

I’ve been told that when I bring it, I bring it! So hello again friends, fans and to all peeps of Pocahontas. Yes, I’m back again, but will be on a bit of a break for just a bit, babies and babes! Due to the popularity of the Manic Monday combo series Pts. 1 & 2 I have taken the liberty of adding some sped up, amped up, additional Manic Monday footage from the vault, and put together this presentation of Manic Monday Pts. 3 & 4 hopefully with more to come for all of you looking for the JH (voila, that’s me!) to bring it on! Monday’s are often full of manic and panic fun days for me, here at the Hot Club with Clara and sometimes just by myself. My overall goal with this edit once again as I did with the hit film Beautiful Nightmare (2015) was to let it all out, uncut, and raw without overdoing all the cutting of some parts I found dull (though maybe that’s just me), for example when Alexia reads sections of my work in progress novel, and at the tail end an attempt to podcast for my iTunes cast Schizophrenia Raw, which however ended on a sweet casual and funny note, so I left all the footage form 2 more Manic Mondays, all in, intact, figuring you  guys can fast forward through some parts if you can even follow my manic-y panic-y train of thought, which have many times left the station. And so, it’s all good and fun, and as my health otherwise deteriorates, possibly terminally, otherwise, and stress during the week, increases, I long to leave as much of a legacy as possible. Evoking the best parts of my later life, here at age 39, in January and February of 2015. I do have a pristine combination of mental health conditions, which thank God, give me some real fun days, and recording my life as it continues, the fun times are what perhaps I love the most about life and my guess is that you might have fun even just hanging out with me, so peace unto thee, and enjoy. Alas, here is the next installment. Peace out peeps, with deep love, and pornographic peace, LOL, from Jonathan Harnisch. P.S. I don't take my fans' love and dedication for granted. We live and die for our identity. #HARNISCHFILM Jonathan Harnisch Film NYU Film | Author of 'Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia' | Artist | Mental Health Advocate | Survivor of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder | Film and TV Producer | Musician

Friday Feb 20, 2015

PRESENTING MANIC MONDAY, PTS. 1 & 2 (2015)I don't take my fans' love and dedication for granted.To All My Fans, With Love, from Jonathan We live and die for our identity.#HARNISCHFILMJonathan Harnisch Film Film | Author of 'Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia' | Artist | Mental Health Advocate | Survivor of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder | Film and TV Producer | Musician


Tuesday Feb 17, 2015

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015

Jonathan Harnisch Film

I am Jonathan (2012)-SD

Monday Feb 16, 2015

Monday Feb 16, 2015

"I'm sure some of you will find it hard to watch this video. I can only say for me, I found it very eye opening as to the confusion and what must feel like hell to live at times as a schizophrenic. I would HIGHLY recommend reading some of Jonathan’s writing before you watch the film. Why, you may ask? Because he is ONE hell of an inspiration and shares words of hope along with positive thinking. The man has MORE guts and determination than I can imagine." -C. T. via Facebook“I am Jonathan”Having retired from professional filmmaking, this had been where I left off--a study of psychosis and schizoaffective disorder as I saw it through the schizophrenic lens in 2009 and 2010."I am Jonathan" is intended to be educational; target audience being grad students in psychology and counseling.It's just time for me to let it go, at this point in my life. I do hope it might prove helpful, offer hope and understanding of what schizoaffective is like for me on a daily basis.I continue my recovery, though not cured. It’s a devastating illness, isolating and often indescribable. I continue to look for hope, distractions, humor and inspiration, especially in the arts.This is the best I could do with the project. To continue is just not an option as my cognitive abilities have declined over the years. Thank you. You all mean the world to me.A study of psychosis and schizoaffective disorder as Jonathan Harnisch saw it through the schizophrenic lens in 2009 and 2010. Since then, a 100% turnaround."I'm a celebrated director who suffers from some lack of direction."-Jonathan Harnisch

Monday Feb 16, 2015

Hello again friends and fans! Working on BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE was primarily influenced by challenging myself to be okay with the gifts of imperfection, artistic imperfection, to be more precise, leaving some intentionally undone otherwise perfectionistic creative choices; my goal was to not overdo or over produce the film or soundtrack edits on this particular project. I completed this short film on Valentine’s Day 2015 feeling rather incomplete at the same time extremely satisfied and proud. Aside from THE MORNING AFTER in late 2014 which within its first 3 weeks upon upload tops my all time most popular films on Vimeo Pro, I have borrowed some footage from the vault of 2 of my Academy qualifying films, WAX and ON THE BUS, both featured on international television, and with the slightest hint of THE MORNING AFTER in the background in order to produce a rather creepily but intentionally disordered dream, if you will, of my past successes in cinema, while incorporating themes as parallel lives, masochistic tendencies in sexual escapades, and disturbing clarities embellished with addiction, fetish, lust, and love while evoking a dancing laughter at the past in order to come to terms with it, and bring it back, incorporating a perhaps occasional “neonic shock,” but more so evoking heightened elation and sadness. Once again, my hope overall is to force you to step back and question your own version of reality. I am an artist of many media, namely film, experimental music, and literature and I suffer from a rare comorbid form of schizophrenia, which has blessed me with many creative gifts. I hope you enjoy this example of inherent beauty in BEAUTIFUL NIGHTMARE. I never forget those who have inspired me over the years and I am eternally grateful, learning who I am and what I believe in and stand for lately with the films I have been competing on Vimeo Pro over the 5 or so years past now. Thank you, with love, from Jonathan Harnisch. Music: Beat Hive by The Lothars (

Saturday Feb 14, 2015

self-sabotage mode today severing ties w/ all friends/family/business contacts,
driving recklessly, firing doctors, etc. Dancing on edge w/ the fire of mental
illness w/o care of the consequences in this full-blown hallucinatory mania,
the guilt to follow. Full-blooded music, Slayer and so forth, keeps me alive,
drowning out terrorizing voices. Calling for help now to avoid hospitalization.
This is real-deal schizophrenia. Change is coming, rest assured. Big fucking
change. Good God damn, I hope so, and all of this began from the tiniest
incident. I tell it like it is, plain and simple.

Saturday Feb 14, 2015

In self-sabotage mode today severing ties w/ all friends/family/business contacts, driving recklessly, firing doctors, etc. Dancing on edge w/ the fire of mental illness w/o care of the consequences in this full-blown hallucinatory mania, the guilt to follow. Full-blooded music, Slayer and so forth, keeps me alive, drowning out terrorizing voices. Calling for help now to avoid hospitalization. This is real-deal schizophrenia. Change is coming, rest assured. Big fucking change. Good God damn, I hope so, and all of this began from the tiniest incident. I tell it like it is, plain and simple.— Jonathan Harnisch FilmNYU Film | Author of 'Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia' | Artist | Mental Health Advocate | Survivor of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder | Film and TV Producer | Musician

JuneBug (2015)-SD

Thursday Feb 12, 2015

Thursday Feb 12, 2015

I don't take my fans' love and dedication for granted.Presenting JuneBug (2015)-SD To All My Fans, With Love, from live and die for our identity.Jonathan Harnisch Film #HARNISCHFILMNYU Film | Author of 'Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia' | Artist | Mental Health Advocate | Survivor of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder | Film and TV Producer | Musician

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