Sunday Feb 22, 2015
MANIC MONDAY PTS. 3 & 4 (2015)
I’ve been told that when I bring it, I bring it! So hello again friends, fans and to all peeps of Pocahontas. Yes, I’m back again, but will be on a bit of a break for just a bit, babies and babes! Due to the popularity of the Manic Monday combo series Pts. 1 & 2 I have taken the liberty of adding some sped up, amped up, additional Manic Monday footage from the vault, and put together this presentation of Manic Monday Pts. 3 & 4 hopefully with more to come for all of you looking for the JH (voila, that’s me!) to bring it on! Monday’s are often full of manic and panic fun days for me, here at the Hot Club with Clara and sometimes just by myself. My overall goal with this edit once again as I did with the hit film Beautiful Nightmare (2015) was to let it all out, uncut, and raw without overdoing all the cutting of some parts I found dull (though maybe that’s just me), for example when Alexia reads sections of my work in progress novel, and at the tail end an attempt to podcast for my iTunes cast Schizophrenia Raw, which however ended on a sweet casual and funny note, so I left all the footage form 2 more Manic Mondays, all in, intact, figuring you guys can fast forward through some parts if you can even follow my manic-y panic-y train of thought, which have many times left the station. And so, it’s all good and fun, and as my health otherwise deteriorates, possibly terminally, otherwise, and stress during the week, increases, I long to leave as much of a legacy as possible. Evoking the best parts of my later life, here at age 39, in January and February of 2015. I do have a pristine combination of mental health conditions, which thank God, give me some real fun days, and recording my life as it continues, the fun times are what perhaps I love the most about life and my guess is that you might have fun even just hanging out with me, so peace unto thee, and enjoy. Alas, here is the next installment. Peace out peeps, with deep love, and pornographic peace, LOL, from Jonathan Harnisch. P.S. I don't take my fans' love and dedication for granted. We live and die for our identity. #HARNISCHFILM Jonathan Harnisch Film vimeopro.com/jwharnisch/film NYU Film | Author of 'Sex, Drugs, and Schizophrenia' | Artist | Mental Health Advocate | Survivor of Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder | Film and TV Producer | Musician