Monday Feb 16, 2015
I am Jonathan (2012)-SD
"I'm sure some of you will find it hard to watch this video. I can only say for me, I found it very eye opening as to the confusion and what must feel like hell to live at times as a schizophrenic. I would HIGHLY recommend reading some of Jonathan’s writing before you watch the film. Why, you may ask? Because he is ONE hell of an inspiration and shares words of hope along with positive thinking. The man has MORE guts and determination than I can imagine."
-C. T. via Facebook
“I am Jonathan”
Having retired from professional filmmaking, this had been where I left off--a study of psychosis and schizoaffective disorder as I saw it through the schizophrenic lens in 2009 and 2010.
"I am Jonathan" is intended to be educational; target audience being grad students in psychology and counseling.
It's just time for me to let it go, at this point in my life. I do hope it might prove helpful, offer hope and understanding of what schizoaffective is like for me on a daily basis.
I continue my recovery, though not cured. It’s a devastating illness, isolating and often indescribable. I continue to look for hope, distractions, humor and inspiration, especially in the arts.
This is the best I could do with the project. To continue is just not an option as my cognitive abilities have declined over the years. Thank you. You all mean the world to me.
A study of psychosis and schizoaffective disorder as Jonathan Harnisch saw it through the schizophrenic lens in 2009 and 2010. Since then, a 100% turnaround.
"I'm a celebrated director who suffers from some lack of direction."
-Jonathan Harnisch